It’s an unfortunate truth that for a child to be removed from her parents’ custody, her parents must have, for any number of reasons, been unable to provide her with the care she deserves. What’s more unfortunate is that not receiving proper care could have an impact on her social and emotional growth. The good news is that children in grandfamilies get a second chance to grow up in a nurturing environment surrounded by people who have the resources to meet their needs. Here’s why joining the ranks of licensed grandfamilies across the US will help you ensure that you can always be there for your grandchild when she needs you.

The Advantages of Becoming Licensed for Grandfamilies: Get the Financial Support You Deserve

Of all the benefits that come with becoming a licensed resource parent, there is none more immediately beneficial than knowing you have the financial backing to support your grandchild as she explores the world and encounters new ideas and interests. Nearly all licensed resource parents are entitled to monthly subsidies that are earmarked for the children in their care. These can go toward just about anything that will support your grandchild’s health and well being – grocery bills, school supplies and sports equipment, to name a few. If that’s not enough, the state Department of Child Protection and Permanency will pay for your child’s Medicaid coverage. This is great news – investing in your grandchild’s health, as well as the tools and supplies for her enrichment activities will go a long way toward helping her grow into a well-rounded and productive adult. Knowing that a state subsidy will be arriving in the mail each month to help make this happen is an added bonus.

The Advantages of Becoming Licensed for Grandfamilies: Get the Training and Support You Need

How do you manage the relationship you have with your children while ensuring that your grandchildren are safe and constantly nurtured? How much does your grandchild need to know about her parents’ struggles? Is parenting any easier the second time around? There are so many tough questions that grandfamilies across New Jersey face each day. Becoming licensed means that you will have undergone a series of trainings that will help you better prepare for them. Moreover, you’ll have access to the wealth of resources that embrella offers that help both the grandparent and the grandchild, including training and student scholarships. Coupled with the experience you already have raising your own children, having FAFS’ resources on demand means you’ll be ready for the many challenges that are unique to grandfamilies.

Becoming licensed isn’t about letting the state into your home. It’s about preparing for the road ahead, building resources and becoming part of a larger community. Here at FAFS, we are dedicated to providing training, resources and advocacy to licensed resource parents just like you.