Apply for a Fostering Wishes for Children Grant

To apply, please complete the online form by clicking Apply Now.

Eligibility Requirements

Wishes are granted to children who are in the custody of New Jersey Child Protection & Permanency (CP&P) with an open case, and are 21 years or younger. You may request up to $250 per child, per year in the categories listed below.

Question about eligibility? Contact

Qualifying Activities and Supplies

  • Rental or purchase of equipment or supplies for special training/ instruction, e.g., musical instruments, art supplies (unless cost is assumed by the school)
  • Specialized training or instruction based upon exceptional ability, skill, or interest demonstrated by the child, e.g., music, art, dance, computer science (unless the cost is assumed by the school).
  • Specialty items for one time gifts or special milestone occasions
  • Registration and/or uniform and equipment expenses for organized youth organizations such as Little League and other sports, Girl and Boy Scouts, 4H, and other recreational programs (unless funds are available through CP&P)
  • Class trips, school pictures, field trips (unless cost is assumed by the school)
  • Metal eyeglass frames or contact lenses not covered by Medicaid or CP&P
  • Amusement or theme park passes

Please note: School uniforms, tutoring for foster youth, court mandated therapies, food, basic clothing, and other expenses available through CP&P or covered by stipends are not eligible, nor are vacation expenses such as flights or hotels.